I woke up this morning and my chest was tight. I wanted to puke. I wanted to bawl. I opened my curtains to let in natural light. I saw the most heartbreaking scene I’ve seen in a long time. Sweet Precious was sitting on the hill, not unusual, but her posture was crumpled in. She was hunched over, her ears drooping more. She looked so heart broken and lost. Now she is walking through the yard so aimlessly. I can’t remember suddenly to breathe regularly. I have slipped back into holding my breath until I gasp. I don’t know why I do that, I always have as far as I know. I was granted an unusual degree of peace for myself but now I feel helpless trying to bring peace to the family. I don’t know how to breathe. I don’t know what to say, what to do, how to help. I just want to lay down with Precious and tell her she is loved. I want to hold her and comfort her. I worry about my parents too. What can I do? How do I breathe?