This year seems to be a year for a lot of inward reflection and development. I gave up sodas for Lent and now I don’t miss them at all. It feels like that decision was a preparation for my new challenges. I’ve always had iffy blood pressure and racing resting heart beats. My cholesterol hasn’t been great over the years either. I never really had a clear picture of how bad things were though. A week ago my labs came back and the results were much worse than I realized. So now I’m on 2 new medications to help things get back on track. Medication alone isn’t a solution. I have chosen to be proactive in completely changing my diet and also setting aside a more regular time to exercise consistently.
When I was first looking over things I knew I’d have to change things and drastically. I had a few panic attacks after going over what I needed to cut out of my diet. My favorite things in this world are cheese, ice cream, and beef. I also eat out way more than I should which leads to a lot of fried foods for dinner. I could probably have weaned myself off the things that I was afraid of giving up. Unfortunately I know that wouldn’t work. I have to do this same as I did soda. My personality works better with drawing hard lines and being determined to not cross them. I’m excited because if I can give up sodas which were a major crutch I can change the rest of my diet.